Coastal Zone has designated a CCA Competition Officer to monitor each element of each event to comply with the USAWP event sanction and insurance coverage that comes with it. The Host’s key point of contact is the Competition Officer. The Competition Officer notifies the Referee Assigner that all sanction requirements are in place by sending the Host’s schedule, prompting assignment of USAWP certified referees to events. Host guidelines for scheduling, sanctions, etc. are set forth in the Coastal California Competition Manual, and, therefore, apply to all events sanctioned by CCA for USAWP.
Review zone calendar for open dates
Request event dates from Coastal California Zone
Request event sanction from Coastal California Zone at USAWP website (by Club Administrator log-in). A completed “Sanction Request” is required for insurance coverage and referee assignment.
Send event schedule to CCA Competition Officer and Zone Assignor.
Budget accordingly, see updated Referee Game Fees below.
CCA Competition Officer: event@ccazone.org
Zone Assignor: ccaassign@gmail.com