The eleven (11) Zones of USAWP represent the essential organizing mechanism for regional volunteerism within USAWP. Each USAWP Zone is expected to build the water polo community within its region by creating, sponsoring and overseeing leagues and qualifying tournaments, clinics, and other services. Zone activities should be self-supporting, except for certain national obligations, such as attendance at national assemblies, which will be funded by USAWP. As ambassadors for our sport, each Zone, in collaboration with the USAWP national office, should strive to enhance the growth of the sport throughout the country and promote the sport at all levels.
Each Zone is expected to organize, develop and promote the sport of water polo using guidelines and goals set forth by USAWP under the direction of USAWP’s Director of Sports Development. The primary means of accomplishing this objective are:
Encouraging increased water polo activity within the Zone by organizing competitions, assisting in the formation of new clubs within the Zone and facilitating training for athletes, coaches and referees;
Informing USAWP members within the Zone regarding water polo competitions and developments within USAWP and encouraging their registration;
Promoting USAWP member participation in the USAWP Olympic Development Program;
Assisting in securing facilities for training and selection camps and regional training centers;
Promoting USAWP member participation in national events by hosting national championships, national championship qualification tournaments, and regional leagues, events and camps;
Providing oversight of local activities to ensure they are conducted in a manner consistent with USAWP’s Statement of Ethics and Values, as well as the policies and procedures within this manual and USA Water Polo’s Codes of Conduct for Athletes, Coaches and Referees; and
Wisely using the resources available to the Zone to promote the sport of water polo and to increase the number of USAWP members in the Zone, and the quality of play, instruction and competition within the Zone.
Zone Board members shall serve without compensation for their services in that capacity. The Zone may elect to reimburse Zone Board members for their out of pocket expenses incurred in furtherance of the Zone’s business.
Each Zone Officer shall:
(a) be over the age of 18 years,
(b) be a member of USAWP and (c) have his or her principal place of residence within the Zone.
The Zone Board shall select each of the following Zone Officers:
(a) Zone Chair
(b) Zone Vice-Chair
(c) Zone Treasurer
(d) Zone Secretary
(e) Zone Representatives to USAWP Assembly
(f) Zone Webmaster
The Zone Board’s selection of the Zone Chair shall be subject to the approval of USAWP’s Chief Executive Officer. The Zone Chair, Zone Vice-Chair and Zone Secretary must be members of the Zone Board. The remaining Zone Officers may be members of the Zone Board, but need not be members of the Zone Board. The Chair of the Referee Committee shall appoint the Zone Chief Referee, subject to the approval of the Technical Committee.